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Developer / Designer

LUCA Theory

LUCA Theory

Software Engineering, Design
Multiple locations
Posted on Tuesday, April 4, 2023

LUCA Theory is looking to partner with a savvy data savvy, developer and designer to help accelerate our growth trajectory. We're looking for someone who has a strong and ever expanding development knowledge base, is keen to work across all scales of the technology stack, while working collaboratively on a multi-disciplinary team, while also assuming project management roles and responsilibites as they grow into the position.

This role is for someone who is looking to build, battle, and to create something amazing and beautiful while making long lasting relationships with their colleagues and community. We are looking for a candidate who wishes to change the world in however small of a way through innovative technologies that shall leave a legacy and the world in a better place.

About the Role

This is a pivotal engineering hire for the team, and we're looking for someone special to take on a huge amount of creative, technical responsibility.

The job will involve:

  • Development across front and back-end domains
  • Help devise and build solutions for unique gaming/crypto projects
  • Working within a multidisciplinary product team, collaborate on ways to make our products and services memorable and unique
  • Establish strong development practices
  • Partner/assist with ongoing AI/ML research programs


  • Experience working in an early stage, hypothesis-driven enivornment
  • Deep understanding of product ops/architecture: test-driven development, git, continous integration, deployment
  • Strong on React, NodeJS, Python, MySQL/PostgreSQL, Figma
  • Experience working with crypto wallets
  • Critical, creative thinker
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills


  • Involvement in a token engineering, decentralized finance
  • Experience with Web3 and Ethereum development tools, languages, and libraries, such as Solidity, web3.js, and IPFS.
  • Data science or machine learning experience

About You

You are a quick learner with a passion for start-ups, entrepreneurship and overall technology growth.

You have a strong design, development and data viz knowledge base and an ever-evolving portfolio of successful projects, including mobile apps, websites and games.

You may be a savvy full-stack, product designer, data viz expert with experience leading projects and working on teams.

You have the ability to work collaboratively with technical and non-technical people, convey ideas and also execute projects while playing a variety of different roles.

Why join LUCA

We're at an inflection point in our growth and have the opportunity to evolve rapidly. Given our ability to execute remotely, while making the power of in-person meetings, you can feel confident you are joining a team that can help advance your career goals, while contributing to the success of the company.

We are an experienced team with diverse backgrounds always eager to connect, share and grow with our collaborators.

This opportunity will be what you make it, with the potential for a long-term collaboration, including getting an equity stake!

About the Company

LUCA Theory is a collective intelligence firm based out of Montreal. We are committed to helping power decision making in a variety of fields with our goal to overcome cognitive biases and quantify human perception.

We are rapidly expanding in the sports analytics and intelligence market and are eager to work with someone who holds a passion in data, technology, finance and media!

How to Apply

To apply, connect with LUCA and any of the Co-Founders on LinkedIn, Instagram, Angel or email to [email hidden].