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Senior Software Consultant

Knoldus Inc.

Knoldus Inc.

Software Engineering
Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Posted on Tuesday, September 5, 2023

About Us

Founded over 12 years ago (headquartered in Canada with delivery centers in Chicago, New Delhi, Noida, Netherlands, and Singapore) and with a team of 350+ seasoned experts, Knoldus has the world’s largest team of Functional Programming and Fast Data engineers focused on creating customized high-performance solutions. Our mission is to ‘Help businesses succeed with technology’ by leveraging emerging future-ready technologies, bringing them a competitive advantage. Our capabilities in building high-performance millisecond response real-time applications that deposit data into high-speed data lakes thus enabling the AI models to have won accolades from our clients in Fintech, Healthcare, Retail, Travel, Media, Publishing, Hi-Tech, and IoT. We are now a part of NashTech, a global conglomerate, with a presence in over 15 countries. Our engineers work with a product mindset and work along with businesses to provide future-ready solutions that deliver competitive results. We also have a large network of certified strategic partners such as Google (Cloud, AI/ML, 

Tensorflow), Lightbend (Akka, Scala), Hashicorp, Datastax (Cassandra, DSE Graph), Confluent (Kafka), and Databricks (Spark, Delta Lake), etc. Our business and technology strengths allow us to build systems with next-generation capabilities that set them apart thereby creating new opportunities.

About the Position

As a 'Sr Software Consultant-NodeJS at Knoldus (now NashTech), you should have excellent knowledge of developing scalable and highly available Restful APIs using NodeJS technologies. We are seeking a skilled and motivated Node.js Developer to join our dynamic team. As a Node.js Developer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining server-side applications to deliver high-performance and scalable solutions. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, including front-end developers, product managers, and designers, to create robust and efficient APIs.

Role Sr. Software Consultant – NodeJs

Location NSEZ, Noida

Mode of Work Hybrid (Work from office 2 days in a week)

Should have

• Minimum 4-5 years of development and design experience in NodeJS (Backend frameworks like express, Loopback, Koa, etc.) and Databases.

• Bachelor's degree in computer science, Software Engineering, or a related field (or equivalent work experience).

• Proven experience as a Node.js Developer or in a similar role, with a portfolio of previous projects and applications.

• Strong proficiency in JavaScript and its modern ES6+ features.

• Extensive knowledge of Node.js and web frameworks such as Express.

• Familiarity with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and client-side JavaScript.

• Experience with database technologies, including both relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Redis).

• Understanding of RESTful API design principles and best practices.

• Proficiency in version control systems, especially Git.

• Knowledge of cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure) and their services for deploying and managing Node.js applications is a plus.

• Familiarity with containerization (e.g., Docker) and container orchestration (e.g., Kubernetes) is a bonus.

• Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to work effectively in a collaborative team environment.

• Hands-on experience in Object-oriented JavaScript (OOJs).

If you possess the technical expertise and passion for developing innovative and efficient solutions using 

Node.js, we would love to have you join our team.

Roles & Responsibilities

• Design, develop, and implement server-side logic using Node.js and other relevant technologies.

• Build RESTful APIs to facilitate seamless communication between front-end and back-end systems.

• Collaborate with front-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic.

• Identify and resolve performance issues and optimize application for maximum speed and scalability.

• Implement security measures and data protection strategies to ensure the safety of sensitive data.

• Conduct thorough testing and debugging of applications to ensure high-quality and reliable code.

• Manage database integration, including data storage, retrieval, and manipulation.

• Stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in Node.js development and web 


• Participate in code reviews and provide constructive feedback to improve code quality and 


• Assist in designing and architecting software systems for optimal performance and maintainability.

• Document code, development processes, and project specifications for future reference and 

knowledge sharing.

What makes us a Great Place to Work

Flexible working hours

You will get an opportunity to choose your own physical working days to work from the office while working in a hybrid work culture. Which means out of 5 days in a week, you can choose your own 2 days to work from the office premises.

Creating moments together: Collaboration, Success, and Pride 

No comments at all. Join us at Life at Knoldus I Part of NashTech and experience our winning culture of success and celebration.

Spreading the Wings of Knowledge

Imagine, every day you sharpen your NodeJs engineering skills by working alongside the best NodeJs Engineers & Leaders worldwide. You will have the opportunity to participate in our weekly knowledge-sharing sessions called KnolX to enhance your knowledge & skills and contribute back to the community by writing blogs, making open-source contributions, attending conferences, and many more. You will be able to create your own impact stories by representing us in sharing your knowledge globally.

Join us at Success Express I Part of NashTech and experience the richness of our learning platform.

Exponential Growth & Learning

We create success stories by working on the developmental needs of our engineers. Our 

developmental programs allow us to work together in creating moments of recurring success. You 

will experience scaling up every day and witness the power of learning and growth!