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Aquatic Informatics
Aquatic Informatics


Vancouver, BC, Canada · north vancouver, bc, canada · North Vancouver, BC, Canada


51-200 employees

founded in


Aquatic Informatics™ provides software solutions that address critical water data management and analysis challenges for the rapidly growing environmental monitoring industry. Aquatic Informatics is the trusted provider of hydrologic management solutions to hundreds of federal, state/provincial and local government departments, hydropower operators, mining companies, academic groups, and consulting organizations around the world, who collect, manage, and process large volumes of water quality or quantity data. Aquatic Informatics has earned a global reputation for innovation in environmental data management. At home, Aquatic Informatics has forged strong relationships with a diverse range of organizations including Environment Canada – Water Survey Canada, Manitoba Water Stewardship, Saskatchewan Watershed Authority, B.C. Environment, the University of British Columbia, and the Canadian National Research Council. In the United States, we have provided water data management solutions to organizations that include the US Geological Survey, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the US National Parks Service as well as over a dozen large state agencies and many regional and local organizations. Overseas, we have worked with Southern Water of Australia, Tasmania Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Alcoa of Australia, the Principality of Monaco, the National Water Authority of Romania, the National Research Institute of Norway and many others.

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